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6 SEM Tips and Strategies for your business growth online

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My name is Destined Boy – SEM
Many people are familiar with SEM but seem to not know how it works, how they can benefit from it and why it’s so effective for product campaigns. Before I continue, I would like to make a clear statement by telling you what exactly is SEM and SEO. Let’s begin from there!

What are SEM and SEO?

SEM is known as SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING, this is when advertisers compete or bid for certain keywords for their products or services to show up on organic search engine results page While SEO is known as SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, this is when you promote your business in an unpaid search engine. The differences are that for SEM you have to pay before your product or services will appear i.e advertisers bid for ad space in organic search results while for SEO you don’t have to pay before your content or services will appear in the organic search results page, all you need to do is to make sure your content is relevant, engaging, good and interesting to the searchers.


Those results are for paid Advertisements called SEM.

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Sem lets you use the ad space to advertise to potential or existing customers when they search for a keyword related to your product or service you offer, your business is likely to show up. Join now for the freelancer to grow your business instantly by clicking this link https://track.fiverr.com/visit/?bta=47237&nci=5650

Another important stuff about sem is that the advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad. That’s if your ad appears on the search engine result list, but no one clicks on it, you won’t be charged. We called it to pay per click advertising.

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Let's say you’re a fashion designer and you may want your ad to show when someone searches for a fashion designer. The good news is you’ll only pay if the searcher clicks on your advert. Using SEM, as your campaign source is likely that people who clicked on your ad are interested in what you offer. 

Basic Things to know about Auction System

SEM is based on an auction system, what do i mean by auction system? This is when a business bid for ad space for their product or service to appear. Have you ever wondered where exactly your product or services will appear using sem? Well, SEO content usually gets listed in the center of the search engine result page. And at the top and down the right column you’ll see the paid ads. Search engine usually limits the number of slots advert that can appear on an individual page, I think search engine does give a maximum of 4 slots at the top page. So, after a searcher types in a search query, the advert that ‘wins’ appear in more desirable slots on the search result page.

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In SEM, what influences your performance in the auction doesn’t depend on the bid only but also the relevance of your advert is very important as well. The only way you can trigger success in the auction system is by having a competitive bid as well as strong relevance. Getting both of these rights will yield great results for success in sem.

Factor to consider in SEM

Now, what do i mean by bid and relevance? let’s say you’re willing to pay up 10 dollars or Naira when people click on your ad after searching for a fashion dress. This is what we called Max cost per click, now if your competitor only got a max cost per click of 5 dollars or Naira, you’ll have a higher bid, quite right! meaning you are ahead in the auction.

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Note: The advertiser can change their max CPC at any time, so you will definitely want to keep an eye on your bid regularly to ensure you pull out the best result you want. But, there is more to the auction than just the bids, another factor is relevance, let’s say someone searches for fashion dress and your ad’s headline is Fashion dress in New York, the search engine will consider your ad as relevant to the search query. But if your headline is Fashion Service in New York, but both ads are referring to fashion but this one is less relevant because it’s talking about fashion service instead of fashion dress
Factors to consider when choosing keywords
Relevance – In SEM, you know that you pay every time someone clicks on your ad. So you will want to make sure you’re getting your money worth. Let me say, you’re an advertiser and now you want to attract new visitors to your client. How do you know whether a keyword is relevant or not? well, you can’t really say whether this is relevant keywords or not. But if you make a discovery that the average value of these clicks to my client business is 50 dollars based on what the keyword cost you, then it’s safe to say that the keyword is good. 

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The major setback is that you won’t be able to measure the value your keywords are generating. The question is how can I research keywords before using it for my campaign? Well, the first thing is to make sure the keyword describes your product to the searchers, then try to focus on keywords relevant to your product. Visit http://ads.google.com

sem traffic analysis

Traffic – The basic thing is that how much traffic a given or certain keyword is likely to generate. Let’s say you compile a lot of keywords but what if nobody searches for them? probably you use New York Fashion Outfit for your ad headline, it might describe the product exactly but it’s unlikely that many people will search for it. Bidding on this keyword won’t yield a better result for your business.

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3 Competitors – A keyword might be relevant and get a bit of traffic but your competitors are more likely to be using it too. For instance, a keyword New York Fashion dress, it’s likely that every fashion designer in New York is bidding for the keyword as well. In cases like this, what you should do is to search for a keyword where the relevance and traffic are high and competition is low. What about fashion adult dress in New York would be less competitive because it’s more unique to your business or services you offer.

Now, if you are running a sale having a unique selling point that the customer can take advantage of, that’s an easy way to attract attention. So just make sure your description has a special offer like getting 10 percent off your wedding gown and a compelling call to action like “buy now” “sign up” “Get now”. Make sure visitors perform a specific action on your website. Study shows that people respond fast when you direct them to perform a specific action.

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Note that: The only time your advert will appear is when someone types in a search query related to the service you offer. If no one searches for your niche, there is no way you can appear except you are using a broad match keyword i.e when your product begins to appear to irrelevant searchers.

It is not about the quantity of traffic but the quality of traffic.

Read also: 11 savvy ways to grow your business with SEM

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