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Twitter Followers? | 7 Ways To Run A Twitter Ad That Get People Following You

twitter ad campaign

Twitter Followers? | 7 Ways To Run A Twitter Ad That Get People Following You

This is Destined Boy – Twitter Followers? | 7 Simple ways to get people following you for free.
It’s a great thing to gather creative posts and engagement tweets.
While it’s also another thing having people reading or retweeting them.
According to HubSpot;
62% of Twitter users follow small businesses.
That seems incredible and touchy.
The bitter truth has been said, you need followers, you want them to know and engage with you.
What you ever wish is to build an empire of loyal followers for yourself or a brand.
You have the ideas, capital, and surrounded resources.
But no drive and knowledge to get you started.
You post quite often, while you be the one retweeting and liking the very post you published.
That’s quite hilarious.
Well, I’m here to dish out the simple steps that need to be known in order to drive masses of followers and build better engagement for every tweet you posted.

Step 1 How to get Twitter followers

We all want success and fame.

twitter follower

Get people retweeting and following every tiny bit of our post.

That gets us trending all the time.
It’s quite easy to dream big that way. As some people may say;
To grow your twitter followers. Do this;

  • Tweet regularly
  • Use relevant hashtags
  • Engage with replies, retweets, and tags.
It’s quite easy to do all that, but how long will that sustain the cost of your time?
If truly you’ve built an appealing profile pictures, but your engagement and followers still get suck.
No one comment not to talk about retweeting or liking your post.

All these may sound weird and frustrating for the long wait.
Or not so?
Then, if so, the Twitter ad has made it quite easy to grow your followers in a way that doesn’t cost you much.
All you need to do is just to follow the simple steps below:

Step 2 Choose an objective for yourself

Twitter ad campaign came with different objectives to choose from, starting from:

twitter ad objective

  • Tweet engagement.
  • Promoted video views.
  • Awareness.
  • Website click or conversion.
  • In-stream video views.
  • Followers.
  • App installs.
  • App re-engagement.

And that’s all.
Well, since the objective here to build your followers. Then, click on the follower tab.

After clicking on it. This shown up.

twitter ad campaign

Twitter ad will show up a variety of options to set up your ad campaign.
Beginning from the campaign name, funding, daily budget, start and end time for the campaign to run.

twitter campaign budget

But for the advanced option, leave the setting the way it is, set it to be standard not accelerated.

In order to avoid the maximum bid speed up of your ad budget.
Now, for my campaign name, I titled it Destined Blog.

With other campaign budgets been set up.
Then, I clicked the next button,

Step 3 Set up an ad group

For every ad you run, there’re always partition into an ad group.
That makes it sound more like a segmentation.
You create a title for the ad group set, make a budget, and set a bid type.

And for the automatic bid – your bid will be optimized to maximize results at the lowest price(within your budget).

While for the target cost, you acquire a new twitter follower based on the cost per click set.

Step 4 Target your audience

With twitter ad, you can simply target a specific audience and segment them based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Clicking on the location, technology, and language tab, I can easily search whatever placement I want for my ad campaign.
To grow my twitter followers.
Like the way I simply did it below, i partitioned it to the location I want the ad campaign to show up to.

Doing so, I have Nigeria as the only country added, with options of adding other countries to the location segmentation.

And for the age section, it’s a brilliant idea to segment that as well, not just prompting the twitter ad campaign to all demographics.

Segment the ad copy to the age group you feel suits your campaign.
Step 5 Audience features
The audience features are of different entities.

It shows how the behavior of the audience is been programmed.

twitter ad audience

By selecting the browse business category. It fetches me this.

This shows up a lot of options on how to target a specific audience based on their interest, behavior, followers look-alike, etc.
With that, if I chose to target small businesses – people who are the owner of a small business.

I can easily click the add button, which becomes the feature for my audience’s behavior.

Also, after creating an ad to grow your twitter followers, you can still retarget those that failed to convert or who saw your organic tweets.
Step 6 Create a twitter follower creatives
Under the creative carbon copy, there’re three options to leverage on.

  • Organic tweets.
  • Schedule tweets.
  • Promoted-only tweets.

The organic tweet looks like this.

twitter creative

And for your creative tweet, select and check the tweet box tab you want to promote to the audience.

After doing that, click on the preview tab and get to see how your twitter ad campaign looks like on different devices or operating systems.
For the web, it fetches this below;

twitter creative1

While for android, it depicts this below;

twitter creative2

For ios, it fetches this below;

Step 7 Campaign review
The campaign review shows all the practices and market budgets made right from the inception of creating a twitter follower ad campaign.

If i scroll down, I get to see the audience size and reach for my twitter ad campaign.

  • 18k – 22k.

That way, it shows all standards and segmentation of my audience are properly set.
For that reason, I can get over to launch my very campaign.

It costs you nothing but big return on investment.
You all want a loyal basement, get your tweet in front of these audiences, make your voice know to thousands and millions of people.
Then, why wait?
Why not wise up, follow the procedures, and set up an ad campaign to grow your twitter followers real quick.
So, how do you wish to implement your ad campaign to boost your twitter followers in the long run?
Read also: Blog monetize? | 11 ways to make $ 7,000 real quick

I'm Destined Boy, a certified digital marketer.