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Make Article Anti Copy-paste In Blogger

Do you write all your content/article by yourself and unique. But you are not satisfied "When someone copy your full article" and sharing your content without yours permission.

Than, this post will be very helpful to you. Read till last and make your content free from copyright.

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Since, we all do our best to make our website more attractive with articles but when someone copy your unique idea💡 without your permission than we feel very bad because it affects our ranking.

But, don't worry - when someone takes care of you. Yes, affizoo has bring a way to avoid copy-paste of your article.

Note: In this post, some links may have affiliate links. (Don't be selfish, if you are planning to buy some services online I refer you to use by affiliate links so that both user and affiliate user can take advantage and blogger can earn something with his hardworking of writing.) This is what I think, take care of each other. If you agree to this point than share it with your loved ones.

To avoid copy-paste in their website, many bloggers use advanced javascript to disable copy-paste but new bloggers don't have much idea about it.

Hey... Don't think of advanced level to avoid this copy-paste for your article. 

I'll give you a quick simple code to put into your blogger html. 

So, let's start with out topic i.e. Make Article Anti Copy-paste In Blogger.

As we all know, what is copy-paste? Therefore without wasting a second we will look on how to prevent copy-paste in your article.

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However, this trick can also be applied for amp enable website/webpages. Since amp sites also disallow custom javascript other than JS provided by amp project in blogger and many such sites. 

But don't worry, it disable javascript and this trick can also work with simple CSS which has been used widely.

The code shared below only works on certain search engines but all the search engines mentioned are popular and it will help you to protect your article privacy.

This trick is very easy and quick simple to apply to your blogger blog. Simply put the given CSS code to your blog and see its magic. 

Well, our blogger platform use valid amp format, and I will be very grateful to share to you.

Try these steps to make articles anti copy-paste:

  • Just go to your blogger dashboard.
  • Click on theme section, then click edit html.
  • Now copy the code and paste into your blogger html.
  • Copy this CSS code.⬇️

.post-body {-webkit-user-select: none;  /* Chrome all / Safari all */-moz-user-select: none; /* Firefox all */ -ms-user-select: none;      /* IE 10+ */ user-select: none;          /* Likely future */     }

  • Then find the code <style amp-custom='amp-custom'> and place the above CSS code after this code line.[If you have amp blogger site] otherwise paste this CSS code in html or simply add by custom CSS by clicking on customize.
  • Now it's time to save your theme.

Then your blogger html should look like the below image.

Note: The above CSS may block you from copying so try to write in your html code of blogger. 

Now try to check the code, whether it is working or not on your blog otherwise comment us. If it works on your blog than it will disable copy-paste in your blogger blog. 

Try my recommended hosting. 

Oh my God... 

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