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How to Add Meta Description in Blogger


The meta description tells more about what to get in a URL. In Blogger, we use meta description on the Homepage, Post pages, and Pages. Meta description in all the areas that should support them is to be used in a dynamic way to avoid duplicate meta description. For the above reason, blogger has simple meta description entry field embedded in the right sidebar of the post writing and page area. Today we are going to learn how to use the dynamic meta tags, well known as the meta description. Follow this post and get to add them to your Blogger website in an efficient way. Before we go further let's know what meta description is.

What is Meta Description?

The meta description is a small excerpt of the page that explains what the page post is all about before anyone gets to click to view more in the main page. That's a basic explanation of a meta description. In blogger, Meta description is first activated by first adding the first homepage meta description in the settings. The best way I can explain this is, whenever you have to write a post in blogger, you have to write the meta description of the post as a vital part for your website SEO.

I have explained well on what meta description is and now what we are left to know is how to use meta description in Blogger. Blogger Has major areas where you Must use the meta description for you to be ranked and indexed well without getting errors in google search console. The major areas that you need to use meta description are:-
  1. Homepage meta description.
  2. Post page meta description.
  3. Pages meta description.
The above highlights where you need the meta description in blogger. How to go about it in all the above meta description must start with the homepage meta description setup. In case you have not setup the homepage meta description, The entry part where you place your page and post meta description will not appear at all. That being so, let's start setting up meta description to the homepage of your blogger blog.

How to Add Meta Description in Blogger Homepage.

The homepage meta description is set at settings or in the code of the template. Let's go through the steps.
Step 1. Log in to Blogger and choose your specific website to add the SEO code.
Step 2. Reach out to the left commands by navigating to them to the settings command
Step 3. Click on the settings command and then locate the Search Preferences below to language.
Step 4. Click on the search preferences and locate meta tags in the position.
Step 5. Click on Enable search description and write your Homepage Meta description.
Step 6. Click on save to save your SEO friendly homepage meta description to your blogger blog.

In blogspot the homepage meta description is always setup to 150 characters max so as to be SEO friendly. Most people find it to short for meta description but i am going to show you the other code method to use in your blogspot template.

How to Add Meta Description in Blogger Post

Step 1. Log in to Blogger and choose your blogger website.
Step 2. Reach out to the left commands by navigating to them to the new post command
Step 3. Click on the sidebar panel wrote a meta description.
Step 4. Enter Your Post meta description
Step 5. click on save or publish.

How To Add Meta Description In Blogger Pages.

Step 1. Log in to Blogger and choose your specific website to add the SEO code.
Step 2. Reach out to the left commands by navigating to them to the new post command
Step 3. Click on the sidebar panel wrote a meta description.
Step 4. Enter Your Post meta description
Step 5. click on save or publish.